Windswept Farm

Wheeling, West Virginia

“We learn from [the bees]—it’s a little partnership. They have tuned us into the environment.”

—Gail Welty

The name of the farm: Windswept Farm—John and Gail Welty
Farm Location: Wheeling, WV
Miles from the Public Market: 9 Miles
Size of the farm: 83 acres

What do you produce?

  • Honey
  • Beeswax Candles
  • Lip Balms
  • Propolis Tincture
  • Pollen


How would you describe your farming philosophy?
JW: Observe, be gentle and see what happens.

What part of your honeybee operation are you most proud of?
JW: Bees are livestock and you have to take care of them properly. We’re not throwing all sorts of medicines in the hive. Hopefully, the knowledge that I’ve gained from being a Master Beekeeper helps keep them going to fruition. Maintaining healthy hives is very difficult but rewarding.
GW: I was going to say the same thing actually. We have really healthy bee yard and we have loses but not anywhere in the percentage of the average. We get a lot of nice things from them and it’s really nice to see them healthy.


What do you love most about farm life?
JW: Getting stung, I love getting stung. Just kidding! The connection with nature. Bees are such an unbelievable little bug, I feel so minor in the scope of things when you see what they do to survive. It is humbling.

Why did you become a beekeeper?
JW: We were hearing about Colony Collapse Disorder and the varroa mite so we just thought we would get two hives and save the world. Eleven years and 30 hives later and oh my god where do we stop? Everything in this house is sticky! The secondary rewarding part is it really is nice to hear people say “Man your honey is the best I’ve ever tasted”.
GW: I think we kept expanding because they are the most fascinating creatures you sit down and study their communication and their teamwork and they are amazing little creatures.


What do you love the least?
JW & GW: Everything is sticky!
JW: There is a lot of heavy work, honey is heavy!

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